OASO Arbiter Registration
Click on the Registration Button Below
You will have to register each season through Arbiter and pay the $35 OASO Association Fee to have the opportunity to receive games from the OASO & Johnny Johnson starting with the 2024-2025 school year. There will be no exceptions – we are here to help you register.
Or down a little further on the home page you can see the big RED button
When you select either of these, this window should pop up
If you are brand new select the Create One option above
Enter your email if you have ever registered on Arbiter (if you have registered with the OSSAA you already have an Arbiter login)
Then it will ask for your password (if you don’t know it, use the forgot password) OASO does not have, nor can we see, what your password is.
Once you are logged in it should go to the registration screen – but if not, go back in the same browser and select the big red Arbiter Registration button on the OASO home page or the Tab that says Arbiter.
Select the Next button in the top right corner of the screen
Then select Basketball (run your mouse over the basketball and then you can select it)
If you have never registered, then you will have to fill this info out. If you logged in earlier, it should be populated. Select Next if it is good or make changes as necessary and then select Next. PLEASE ADD A PHOTO (there are 150+ officials, put your face with a name)
Then you have to answer these 2 questions (you have to select YES on the independent contractor question) and then your shirt size (no guarantee you are getting a shirt but IF you were to, add your size)
If it asks you for an Association you will have to select the Oklahoma Associations of Sports Officials or OASO)
If it asks for a pin, just bypass that and select next.
Breeze on through the next screen – nothing to add on this one. This one would be used if you were registering for multiple sports. We are Basketball Only
Next is payment – make sure everything looks good on this one and then at the bottom select Check Out (Blue button)
Make sure your address is correct and then go to the bottom and select NEXT again
Finally, you will be to the process payment page where you will add your debit/credit card information. Verify your bank card information select the box that says you agree to the terms of service and then select Process Payment